I hope you will find this site educational and useful. I believe The Creator made the Universe in Its entirety. He gave sentience to planets throughout the Universe, some we do not entirely see, others we shall see, and others we shall never see. One of those planets was Mother Earth. I am a strong believer in the Earth Mother. We are born of Her. Everything we NEED to live we get from Her. When we die, we are supposed to return to Her. It is a ever renewing cycle. I believe the further we estrange ourselves from Her, the more perverted of a species we become. The more damage we do Her, the more damage we do ourselves. We destroy the water, yet we, as humans, are mostly made of water. If the water on the Earth is polluted, what about the water in our bodies? We poison the land, yet we eat from it. We can spend a whole day and never come in contact with the earth. We are warping our minds and our bodies. We like to think we are above Her other children, that we were born to dominate them. That we are the rulers because we have the higher brain. Did you ever wonder if Mother Earth gave us a higher brain that we might care for Her other children? That maybe she gave us this gift to KNOW right from wrong, to think in terms of time and space, that we might care for them? Did She give us eyes and ears so that we may see and hear for her? Man perverts everything he can. He seeks to dominate all. But he cannot dominate Her. We are but an infestation that will be shaken off at Her whim. We are an ever expanding virus upon the earth. We move and destroy vast areas of land and water. We destroy the sky. We destroy our companions. This I know. Mother Earth does not belong to us, we belong to her. We did not weave the web of life, we are merely a strand in it. What we do to the web we do to ourselves.
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